Shaner Ortiz
Biography - early life education / training

Born on March 8, 1970 in Lansing, Michigan to the birth name - "Shane Tisdale", Shaner Ortiz would be the youngest of two, older sister Phoebe and parents Gwen and Terry Tisdale.

Gwen was a homemaker who focused her time on artisitc design from the home while raising the kids. Shaner's father Erry would serve as a captain in the Army National Guard of Michigan
for many years while serving up through retiredment as the personnel manager for the local utility company in town - the Lansing Board of Water and Light.

Early on in life, Shaner would get the
first bug to perform, volunteering for every school and church play or acting role available. Upon entering college, in fact, Shaner would redirect his major away from teaching, business, and law towards acting (theatre) as a drama major, and later be auditioned and cast in a local, traveling play on tour called Scrap the Ragtime Girl of Oz.

Shaner would even go on while at college to locate a local acting and modeling academy near town, titled as Class Talent Agency, and pay his own way through while attending college at the same time. Shaner would later graduate later from the agency around the time of 1991.



C/O Camp Tisdale
5859 W. Saginaw Hwy, #235, Lansing, MI. 48917
Phone: (734) 494-0340

C/O Tisdale Technologies
16350 Harbor Blvd., #2513, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: (323) 325-5305
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Probably the happiest in his life in pursuing his dreams right in his home, reality finally hit Shaner sometime between high school graduation and first entering college that unless he relocated to a true entertainment

industry and big city, that work was not
as much available and possibly not even enough to survive by living on his own. So,
Shaner would put on a happy face during the days while returning back home at night to
small apartments, sometimes sharing
such with other roommates to save.

Shaner further pondered the situation about making the break out as an entertainer but decided that it couldn't be yet; he was unwilling to leave his state, his friends and family he knew. So, he changed his major again various times, took up any jobs to pay the bills, took out various student loans and even joined the military, much like his father before him.

Nothing though seemed to quell his desire to perform or work in the entertainment industry sadly, Shaner would later admit; he would find himself just "...floating through life" for many years. Shaner took on vast training in the military, schooling in college and sometimes work while doing such for more than one job plus volunteering to coach wrestling locally, finding any smaller type workshops or seminar he could afford,
could afford to take, along with  and even interning on the radio, just to name a few.

Months later, Shaner was told that he had acrued enough hours interning at AM 1180am in Lansing, Michigan, that he could apply for his first license - as a public broadcaster. Shaner hence, went on to complete another certification, differently, in audio/video certification, along with later - in post-production editing. Shane rwas chagrin but tired, learning but going more in debt, sleeping little and having some health problems too, but he kept going still.

Close to graduation and Shaner started to volunteer even more coaching his second love -t he sport of wrestling, and hence, started to take on various coaching certifications and returned to training and competing himself, state wise to nationally even. All of such helped to develop a love of educating others and hence, Shaner continued this on through present day.

As Shaner was finally ready to graduate from Lansing Community College (LCC) in May of 1994, Shaner not only earned an associate's degree in liberal arts, 3.47 overall GPA, Cum Laude, but also  membership in LCC's prestigious,  International Honor Society of PTK, Mau Tau Chapter.

Even more staggering, Shaner had received appointment to officer candidate school in the military at the same time while at LCC; and, he was later surprised to find out that as serving as the college's final student body president, that he was allowed the prestigious honor of the delivering the keynote address at his own graduation.

Shaner remained wrestling, serving in the military while remaining on LCC's campus to even finish up the rest of his bachelor's degree in September of 1999 for Siena Heights University; he equally completed a short stint at Western Michigan University in 2001 for graduate school and finally completed his first master's degree in leadership, for a business track in August of actually 2018 finally .

Redirecting his life once more, in April of 2019, would finally return to self and put it all on the line - sacrificing all he had acccomplished and endured, and registered back for graduate school once more. This time it was at Full Sail University and luckily for what he had always wanted - to become a screenwriter, hoping to finish up an MFA in April of 2020, if all was to be to plan for Shaner's final career transition.
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