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HIDDEN (Tisdale, 2023) - 120 minutes
Feature film - Drama - Fiction
(Scriptwriting - Direction - Production)

"One woman's life will completely unravel when an unsuspected visitor appears, beset on un-Earthing a previous life, long since forgotten."

* All film scripts (PDF)

* Link to film (N/A, in-production)

(Character builds, springboards, beat sheet, poster, and any additional information, all available also 'upon request.')

-----------Individual scripts below----------

* Script Treatment

* Spec Script/screenplay

* Production script
The Proof - Javi vs Dillon (Tisdale, 2024) - 24 minutes
Film - Documentary (Non-Fiction) - Short - Drama
(Scriptwritng - Direction - Production - Narration/V.O.)

"A wrestling coach's obsession will suddenly surface, proven by the most ...unlikely of candidates."

*Scripting - TBA (future release - 2024)

(Character builds, springboards, beat sheet, poster, and any additional information, all available also 'upon request.')

Plum Jelly
(Tisdale, 2024) - 22 minutes
Film - Short - Non-Fiction - Comedy
(Scriptwritng - Direction - Production)

"A race for the rent will take an unexpectant twist when one tenant's room-mate becomes undeniably entranced by a mysterious batch of plum jelly."

* Spec script (screenplay)

(Character builds, springboards, beat sheet, poster, and any additional information, all available also 'upon request.')


Every Damn Day
(Norris, 2022) - :53 minutes
Video-Post Cast - Interview - Variety Show

Logline: N/A

Link to video podcast:

an short interview from Jerry Norris from the Fledge, with Shane Tisdale, on a variety show type podcast online (video)

*Scipting: N/A (unscripted / live)

30 Day Gamble (Tisdale, 2021) - 50 minutes
Film - Short - Drama - Fiction
(Scriptwriting - Direction - Production)

"A teenager's will be tested when he's suddenly cast out and into the care of an abusive uncle, a distance relative who's beset on breaking the young boy to prove a point." The story takes place on the busy streets New York City, New York, winter, current day.   

* Link to film (scene 1 - teaser)

(Character builds, springboards, beat sheet, poster, and any additional information, all available also 'upon request.')

-----------Individual scripts below----------

* Spec script (screenplay)
